ASK CHARU ~ ASK CHARU ~ Do you have a pressing question specific to your experience of sexuality and/or your relationships?Affordable email questions with an audio response directly from me!For the next 24 hours ONLY, I’ll be accepting questions via email and creating a 5-15 minute audio response directly to you with: the answer you are looking for, an idea for a simple practice to start with and what specifically might support you going forward.ASK CHARU questions are only $25, which you can send via:Venmo @Charu-Morgan-4 with ‘question’ in the notes ORQuickpay by Zelle to OR Paypal: open@charumorgan.comOnce your payment has gone through please send in your question to and you will receive an answer within 72 hours.Also, sign up for our newsletter and receive 50%-70% off all home-study, access to 'Ask Charu' your questions AND be the first to know about upcoming events. Email Address Sign Up We never share your information. Please check your email to confirm your subscription.