[VIDEO] Expand your capacity for pleasure…


Last month I hosted a class about how to bring great sex into the bedroom with you.

How to bring the focus into your own body and expand your personal experience and capacity for pleasure…

In this video I talk about the first couple of steps to begin that process.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can enhance your sexual experience (alone or with a partner) our next upcoming virtual class is:

Best Date Night Ever
Wednesday, Aug 2nd
7pm - 8:30/9pm PST
$80 per couple

*practices are taught for couples, but singles are welcome to join and learn.

We will have another ‘How to bring great sex into the bedroom with you’ class in September! Stay tuned! (These classes are focused on our relationship with our own body, but couples are welcome).


P.S. Wanting more one-on-one in depth work either on your own or with a partner? Check out our private immersions for couples and individuals


[VIDEO] The relationship you need in order to have better sex.