Beyond what you have been taught is the sex you have been longing for...
Hello Everyone,
How are things?
In my personal world and for those that I am close to, it has been a whirlwind of a few weeks. Days feel like they are whizzing by, but also like they are 100 years long. Deep lineage pain and trauma is moving to the surface and an internal churning keeps us questioning who we have been taught to be and how we can grow beyond that.
The anti-racism resource I want to share with you (at the moment I am sharing a resource each time I send an email) can take just a few minutes to skim through the first time and the impact of it is profound. I believe it has the power to start an internal inquiry about your own privilege that you may have taken for granted, and help you to understand racism in a new way.
'Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack' click HERE to read.
I want to speak a bit more about the things we take for granted about participating in our society. As a human, we live with an animal instinct that pushes us to assimilate and integrate with the adults and culture around us. We do this for survival. As children, if we are not accepted by the people who we are dependent on for care, we will not survive.
In a culture that is so severely disconnected, we make great sacrifices to integrate and assimilate because the foundational structures of the society we currently live in are based on a severe disconnect. Disconnect from the planet we live on and even an inability to connect to those we deeply love.
This is why I want to share this video with you. It's an excerpt from our most recent Awaken Weekend. In it, I talk about the kind of bravery it takes to enter into the uncharted territory beyond who we have been taught to be. This has everything to do with transforming your sex-life as well. Beyond what you have been taught is the sex you have been longing for.
How do we truly learn to receive love?
How do we move beyond the neuroses that our society perpetuates?
How do we bravely become conscious of our disconnect and, rather than berate ourselves, meet ourselves with love? Give ourselves a chance to heal and open to something deeper?
What might life be like on the other side? Beyond who we have become in order to survive within this fragmented structure?
This video doesn't contain the answers per se, but it's an exploration. I think that's what we are being invited into now, it's time to explore. Time to explore what lies beyond what we thought has kept us safe, time to open into something unknown, time to allow ourselves to be unsettled and uncomfortable as we awaken to new possibilities.
With love,
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P.S. Always grateful for your comments, likes and shares on these videos. They help us to keep growing our online community during this time when we are not having live in person events. Thank you.